Wow, what a day. A day filled with so many emotions.. with love, joy and happiness at the fore and fear and wonder closely following behind.
The love, joy and happiness comes from what we are achieving together, it is amazing, having Nic, Harrison & Will with me was so fantastic and important as their support, input, understanding and love is why we have been able to do this.
The fear and wonder comes from what lies ahead over the next 15 days...
Day 1 was simply amazing. We started at 6.30am in Hanoi and fueled on by so much love and support, pent up anxiety, and Vietnamese coffee I managed to ride 152.1km finishing in Mountainous Mai Chau 11 hours later, with Ronnie giving words of encouragement and cheering me on from the support vehicle. As I have experienced throughout the training rides, the Vietnamese people are so so friendly, today everywhere I rode there were smiles, waves, hello’s and in the middle of a very rural area a magical high-five from a boy with a huge smile who was no older than Harrison. The landscape was simply indescribable, I can’t do it justice, I have taken some footage and will post on this blog in the next few days.
Upon arrival in my accommodation for the night, my final emotion of the day was Jealousy....Jealousy at Lisa Miller’s 3 bedroom serviced apartment in Ho Chi Minh City which no doubt has a very comfortable bed, air-conditioning and a warm shower :)
A brilliant day, thank you all so much for your support, your kind words and for making a difference. Looking forward to Day 2..
The final few km's into Mountaneous Mai Chau
The helmet is a little far back James..
Our start in Hanoi
Lisa Miller!!
our little critter at dinner Angela..
Part 1
Part 2
what a view!! Mai Chau from the final descent